I Heart

- Wearing my new super dorky glasses
Wheat...to look at that is. I don't really understand it myself, but I love it!
- Essie nail varnish in pastel colours
- Attempting to cook for Rick, sometimes I pass and sometimes I fail. It's a work in progress...
- Hair in a bun
- Red wine for Winter
- My silver glittery cardigan
- Being in love and feeling loved
- Stripes
- My addiction to Coffee
- Reinventing myself whenever I feel like it
- Spending time with good friends
- Being able to laugh at myself...I do ridiculously silly things sometimes. The young (teenager) me would have been horribly embarrassed, but hey, no one is always cool as a cucumber
- Discovering that I am not as technology-challenged as I thought


  1. i love this list! Cheers to pastel nail polish, the ability to laugh at yourself and to wearing glasses. cute blog! xo

  2. love your blog :) and i heart stripes as well!



  3. Thank you for all the lovely comments! Very inspiring xxx
