Happy Happy Yellow

Winter has been looming for a while now, with most shops only stocking clothes in shades of maroon, brown, blacks, orange and mustard since February...I already miss the bright spring/summer colours! In my rebellion against these very unflattering winter tones I will be trying out my 'happy' colours this winter, starting with yellow!!



This is my idea of e-scrapbooking, if I may...fun fun fun! Go check out my profile (clariseviljoen) on Polyvore for more info on the images featured in this collection.


Row Row Row Your Boat - Part Two

Looking at holiday photos makes me happy! These are more photos from our trip down the Orange River...taken by myself, Cara and Anneke... If you missed my first post, click here.


Pumped-up Mondays

So for those of you who read my blog often, you definitely know by now that I adore almost anything with glitter at the moment... To make this Monday afternoon feel a little less dull, look at the lovely new additions to my shoe collection! Got them in Black and Gold...Can't wait to wear them!! x

Ballet pumps: Mr Price

I Heart

- Wearing my new super dorky glasses
Wheat...to look at that is. I don't really understand it myself, but I love it!
- Essie nail varnish in pastel colours
- Attempting to cook for Rick, sometimes I pass and sometimes I fail. It's a work in progress...
- Hair in a bun
- Red wine for Winter
- My silver glittery cardigan
- Being in love and feeling loved
- Stripes
- My addiction to Coffee
- Reinventing myself whenever I feel like it
- Spending time with good friends
- Being able to laugh at myself...I do ridiculously silly things sometimes. The young (teenager) me would have been horribly embarrassed, but hey, no one is always cool as a cucumber
- Discovering that I am not as technology-challenged as I thought

Ready for the weekend

So it's almost weekend, and after my elaborate shopping spree yesterday - I blame exam stress and the daybook blog - I am quite ready to put my saxxy pants on, paint my nails, make an effort with my hair and step out with friends...I have quite a few breakfast, sushi, coffee and glass-of-wine dates that's long overdue!!!

Some outfit inspirationals - Yes I know it is not a real word, but I think it works x

All images from my Pinterest Pinboards

Just saying...

The last two weeks have been hectic, finding very little time to blog (sorry)...Studying for exams is definitely one of the downsides to my line of work, or shall I say the downside to my choice of career? That is until I qualify one day, which seems so very far far away! Sad face...

At least three to four months of every year I study for some exam, and about three months on top of that is generally spent feeling guilty for not having started yet...I am a master procrastinator, ask anyone! :)

Anywhooo, since I have some precious time until I need to start studying again for the September session, I will try to improve on my amateur photography skills via Kiki and will hopefully be able to share more of my own photos on my blog xxx Until then...have a lovely Wednesday!

Image found via weheartit.com.