i love food. this is nothing new to anyone who knows me...or has ever met me for that matter. 

this past weekend i decided to channel my inner nigella and bake something scrumptious. i can't remember ever having tasted apple crumble before, but nonetheless i decided this was the recipe to be tried. my very dearest friend, helena, shared her ouma's recipe with me. 

it is simple, easy to follow, needs very little faffing and took me only ten minutes to prep and push into the oven.

what you need
1 can (385g) unsweetened sliced pie apples
half a teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon bakingpowder
pinch of  salt
1 extra large egg
100g unsalted butter

>>  i used brown sugar, mixed with some cinnamon sugar i had left over in the pantry.
>>  i used salted butter and left out the pinch of salt, as i could not find unsalted butter in the shops.

what to do
pre-heat the oven to 180'C
butter an ovenproof dish
empty the can of apples into the dish and arrange in a rustic heap
i added raspberries - be creative, your taste buds will love you
dust with a generous amount of cinnamon
mix the sugar, flour, bakingpowder and salt in a bowl
wisk the egg and pour into the dry ingerdients. 
rub with fork or fingers until mixture resembles breadcrumbs
distribute the crumble mixture evenly on top of the fruit
heat the butter and gently pour over the crumble to soak in its goldenness 
bake for thirty minutes or until the crumble turns golden brown.
cool for a few minutes and enjoy with a generous helping of double thick cream and a strong cup of coffee.

this is by far the most comforting desserts i have ever made. this recipe is definitely one that will be cherished for a long time to come. 

the photo above is from the very talented foodie photographer, what katie ate's blog.

here is a small reminder of my very own, which i had for breakfast on saturday morning.


  1. Ek gaan hierdie beslis probeer

    1. This one is definitely a winner, especially for winter!

      I imagine I will add some almonds next time ;)

      Ons doen dit sommer binnekort Anzel!
